Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

A British Reality Star Expertly Shut Down Anti-Trans Rhetoric In A Flawless Display Of Allyship Live On TV

The star then concluded: “Sometimes I think the government and the media like to whip up this frenzy to make people think things are going too far, but wokeness is not the reason that we don’t have affordable housing, wokeness is not the reason public services are crumbling. It’s just a nothing story.”
And an impressed viewer shared a clip of this moment to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Wednesday, simply writing in the caption: “ALLY-SHIP IN ACTION,” adding in a separate tweet: “Aside from the incredible words — standing up for your own beliefs & championing others, whilst on a platform with an audience known to have anti-woke views is so refreshing. Its not just an Instagram tile statement or performative flag in a bio. Its taking risks & doing the work.”
